Special Issue: Pedagogical Innovations in the English Classroom
Coordinating Editor
A. L. Khanna
Ruchi Kaushik
Rachna Sethi
Graphic Literature and their Efficacy in Realizing the Objectives of New Education Policy: A Case Study of Priya Shakti Series
Satya Prakash Prasad & Shafaque Zehra
The Effectiveness of Feedback System in Developing Writing Skills
Chandreyee Sarkar Mitra
Do Trans Lives Matter? Ambivalent Transfeminism in Jeet Thayil’s Narcopolis
Kuhu Sharma Chanana
Does Bollywood Treat Women Fairly in “Comedy”? A Mixed Methods Analysis of Recent Ensemble Comedies
Rana Bedi & Udaya Narayana Singh
Active Learning Strategies in the ELT Classroom: An Exploratory Study
K. Kalyanasundaram
Benefits of Experiential Learning in the Communication Classroom: A Case Study
Manjula Shenoy, Venkata Ramani Challa & Shefalika Narain
Scavenger Hunt
Jayashree Raghothaman
Using Songs in a Language Classroom
Menda Yogeswari & Solomon Benny Nadigotla
Language Education: Teaching English in India.
Reviewed by Hamda Hanan
Premchand on Literature and Life: Selections
Reviewed by T.C. Ghai