A workshop on Teaching English was conducted by Falguni Chakravarty, a renowned educationist, counsellor and writer on August 23, 2014 at Tulips International School. The trainer gave teachers valuable practical ideas for adopting communicative methodology and improving the effectiveness of English language teaching in school.
The primary purpose of this training was to explore the importance of teaching English and to find solutions to the problems that teachers face in the classroom. The workshop began with the expert providing the teachers an overview of the importance of teaching English. She emphasized the role of English as a global language and explained how it has come to be perceived as a symbol of people’s aspiration for quality education. She next highlighted the challenges faced by teachers while teaching English such as difficulty in explaining concepts in English, lack of participation in English by students, teachers not equipped to handle the language in their own domains etc. Elaborating on the very important theme of language acquisition, Dr. Chakravarty explained how language is acquired and how it can flourish in the classroom if the teachers aim at developing their students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills along with enhancing their use of vocabulary and grammar. The programme aimed at encouraging and motivating the educators to bring in innovation in teaching-learning process. It also aimed at developing their leadership skills to guide students and enable them to find a solution to problems to bring about positive changes for sustainable future. Every aspect of classroom teaching was touched upon with an effective group task given by the trainer followed by a fruitful discussion.
Dr.Chakravarty summed up the workshop by giving very important suggestions to the teachers such as using new techniques to build students’ self confidence; giving students ample of opportunity to engage with the language; including peer group work, simple conversation, discussion and debates in classroom interactions and finally, attending workshops for professional growth.
Sandhya Koli
Sandhya Koli teaches at Tulips International School, Bawana, Delhi.